Slice react
Slice react

slice react

options: A set of options that control the fetching behavior of the hook.You can also pass in skipToken here as an alternative way of skipping the query, see skipToken arg: The query argument to be used in constructing the query itself, and as a cache key for the query.Refetch : ( ) => void // A function to force refetch the query IsError : boolean // Query is currently in an "error" state. IsSuccess : boolean // Query has data from a successful load. IsFetching : boolean // Query is currently fetching, but might have data from an earlier request. IsLoading : boolean // Query is currently loading for the first time.

slice react

IsUninitialized : boolean // Query has not started yet. StartedTimeStamp ? : number // Timestamp for when the query was initiatedįulfilledTimeStamp ? : number // Timestamp for when the query was completed RequestId ? : string // A string generated by RTK QueryĮndpointName ? : string // The name of the given endpoint for the query OriginalArgs ? : unknown // Arguments passed to the queryĭata ? : T // The latest returned result regardless of hook arg, if presentĬurrentData ? : T // The latest returned result for the current hook arg, if presentĮrror ? : unknown // Error result if present SelectFromResult ? : ( result : UseQueryStateDefaultResult ) => any RefetchOnMountOrArgChange ? : boolean | number

Slice react