However, there is a possibility to control volume via pulseaudio's input sink: This is broken within spotify itself, which ignores volume change requests. (Discuss in Talk:Spotify)Īs you might have noticed, MPRIS protocol commands do not include volume control. Reason: The wiki is not a code development platform. ~/.config/spotify/prefs storage.size=3072 Global media hotkeys Spotify automatically manage a storage size for caching, however one may want to force the size limit preventing the filesystem from filling up.Īppend storage.size (measured in MB) to /home/ user/.config/spotify/prefs, e.g. || spicetify-cli AUR Tips and tricks Limit storage size

Mopidy - An alternative plug-in based implementation of Music Player Daemon is able to stream from Spotify with an extension.MellowPlayer - A free, open source and cross-platform desktop application that runs web-based music streaming services in its own window and provides integration with your desktop.It enables applications to use Spotify's service (streaming), without using the official closed-source libspotify. Librespot - An open source client library for Spotify.Note: All clients listed here require a Premium account to stream from Spotify.